Black Hat Asia 2016

Locknote: Conclusions and Key Takeaways from Black Hat Asia 2016

Black Hat Asia 2016: Automated Dynamic Firmware Analysis at Scale - Andrei Costin

Keynote: Devaluing Attack: Disincentivizing Threats Against The Next Billion Devices

The Security Wolf of Wall Street: Fighting Crime With High-Frequency Classification and...

Black hat Asia 2016, Rapid Radio Reversing, Presented By: Michael Ossmann

Practical New Developments in The Breach Attack Black Hat - Asia - Singapore - 2016

Welcome and Introduction to Black Hat Asia 2015

The Black Hat Asia NOC Report

Relaying EMV Contactless Transactions Using Off-The-Self Android Devices

Locknote Conclusions and Key Takeaways from Black Hat Asia 2016

Bad Randomness: Protecting Against Cryptography's Perfect Crime

Cantact An Open Tool for Automative Exploitation Black Hat - Asia - Singapore - 2016

Blackhat Asia 21Locknote: Conclusions and Key Takeaways from Day 1 locknote

KSMA: Breaking Android Kernel Isolation and Rooting with ARM MMU Features

DSCOMPROMISED A Windows DSC Attack Framework Black Hat - Asia - Singapore - 2016

What Malware Authors Don't Want You to Know - Evasive Hollow Process Injection

Tour of the 2016 Black Hat USA Convention in Las Vegas (Hacker Conference)

Bypass CFG in Chrome

Locknote: Conclusions & Key Takeaways from Black Hat Asia 2017

PLC Blaster A worm Living Solely In The PLC Black Hat - Asia - Singapore - 2016

Black Hat Asia 2017 - Part 1

Give Me a SQL Injection, I Shall PWN IIS and SQL Server

Rick Rolling the Wireless Mic at Black Hat Asia 2015

Locknote: Conclusions and Key Takeaways from Black Hat Asia 2018